The University Libraries, in conjunction with the Office of Research, supports Kennesaw State University faculty authors with the cost of open access manuscript publication through the Faculty Open Access Publishing Fund. 
Open access publishing assistance will be considered for publication or production costs (for example, Article Processing Charges) of peer-reviewed open access publications (like those indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals or the  Directory of Open Access Books). 

Award Conditions 

  • The primary author should be a 正规博彩十大网站排名 faculty member. Co-authors may be affiliated with other institutions.
  • Requests should not exceed $2,000.
  • Funds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Multiple requests may be made, but individual authors will be restricted to one award per fiscal year.
  • Authors should only apply after they have been accepted for publication.
  • Awards will be paid directly to the publisher, not to the author(s).
  • Hybrid open access journals are excluded.
  • Open access funds are not available for applicants who are non-compliant with Institutional Review Board requirements. 
  • Authors will receive a response to their submission within 2 weeks. 
  • Authors must deposit an appropriate version of the funded article in the institutional repository.


The following are not eligible for open access publishing funding: 

  • Requests in excess of $2,000
  • Anthologies  
  • Author’s comments  
  • Book indexing
  • Book reviews
  • Conference proceedings
  • Fees for accelerated publication
  • Fees for pre-acceptance
  • Letters to the editor
  • Manuscripts with mandatory embargoes
  • Predatory journals
  • Reprint costs of articles in professional journals
  • Table of content production
  • Translations 

Where else can I get funding? 

Faculty members who know they will need open access publishing funding in excess of $2,000 should explore outside funding options as soon as possible and make every effort to obtain funding from a variety of sources: 

Before you submit, have the following information  

  • Proof of acceptance (for example, a letter or email from the publisher)
  • Invoice from publisher in USD with the balance due clearly stated
  • Confirmation that your manuscript will be made fully available open access at the time of publication 

Apply Now

Interested faculty can apply for open access publishing funds through this link:

Apply Now!

Questions about this fund can be sent to its manager: Chelsee Dickson, Assistant Director for Scholarly Publishing and Research. 

Additional Resources